
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Woman Holding Bird

This is a box cover that isn't working out so far as a functional piece because it sticks when I close the box. I'll have to figure that out. I like the image - it's a painting that I did and scanned so I can try to use it in different ways. I sewed the ridges on the sleeve. It was the first time I sewed on paper, so that was interesting to me. I think this image has a few possibilities so I'll be exploring that.

3d Cigar Boxes

I finally was able to take some decent photos of two cigar boxes I did in Claudine Hellmuth's class at Art and Soul in Portland last October. They are fun to do and the main image comes forward so it's a nice effect. They both have plexiglass covers and one has a transferred image on it. Claudine has wonderful ideas and techniques and it was inspiring to make these under her guidance.

White on White

It's been a busy summer but my friend Nancy and I are still posing art challenges for each other. This one was white on white. My piece is on a 10 x 12 board. It's a painting with fabric and paper. I call it the muse of music because I found a bit of sheet music that I used on the neck of the lady I painted. The white violins reinforce the imagery and I have written musique in pencil on the side. I stamped the bird and the dragonfly at the end - the bird can represent music but the dragonfly just happened. I suppose it has some musical qualities - it's poetic and lyrical. I like the softness of this piece. The photo doesn't capture its whiteness completely but the pale palette is soothing.